Faculty MEMBER

Scott Curry, MD, MS

Scott Curry, MD, MS

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Hospital Epidemiologist, MUSC Charleston
Division of Infectious Diseases
Medical University of South Carolina

Dr. Scott Curry completed his undergraduate degree at Duke and returned to his home state of South Carolina for medical school at MUSC before completing his post-graduate residency and fellowship in internal medicine and infectious diseases in the UPMC system in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There he witnessed first-hand one of the largest outbreaks of C. difficile in the US and made it the focus of his four-year research fellowship describing the molecular epidemiology of that outbreak and the measures used to control it. While at UPMC, Dr. Curry founded the institution’s fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) program, focusing on the safety issues of FMT in extremely immunosuppressed hosts in UPMC’s solid organ transplant program. Recruited back to MUSC in 2016, Dr. Curry has remained active in clinical trials for new FMT products as well as in the study of the incubation period and transmission dynamics of C. difficile within hospitals. Dr. Curry serves as the hospital epidemiologist and medical director of infection control for MUSC’s flagship hospital in Charleson, SC and devotes much of his outpatient clinical time to the care of patients with recurrent C. difficile infections.

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